

Can Reiki cure my disease?

Sometimes I have received the questions from new clients,

'Can you cure my disease by Reiki?'

So I want to explain something very important for you,

I have seen many cases they solved their problems and changed a lot, yes some could cure the disease.

But this is NOT because Reiki or me, your ability raised after boosting the Reiki energy to you then you solved your problem by your own.

For example I use numbers to explain, if you have 10 in your healing ability.

We help you bring this all of 10 from you to heal and cure.

if it is 7, again we try to get all of 7 out for healing.

Lots of cases, your real healing ability is hidden inside yet so we cannot see or even use them.

This is something like you have 10 different of games to play but you only know/use 3 of them to play and feel tired of it.

Got it?

So Reiki is not curing your disease, but you cure own your disease.

Hope Reiki healing will meet your needs.


Received feedback from a client

I would like to share the feedback from one client about Reiki Attunement Course 1st.
The feedback written by L.S. Thank you for taking the course. L.S has came from my Private Reiki Session, now she has more smiles and I hope your life will be more bright. Enjoy your Reiki practice!

Q. Why did you take the Attunement course?

I take the course because I want to help my son who has depression. Also I want to help myself both physically and emotionally.

Q. How was the course in Shine Body & Soul?

The course is informative and useful, I can't wait to practice the techniques I learnt.

Want to know more about Reiki? Shine Body & Soul Healing Center is at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and we provide traditional Usui Reiki attunement course for those who want to learn Usui Reiki and practice, also Reiki healing sessions for those who want to receive reiki healing for from relieving stress, pain and discomfort to improve quality of life.

*The center will be closed 21/Dec ~ 4/Jan, re-open 5/Jan.


What's the price for Reiki healing?

I think this is very hot topic if you are currently providing Reiki healing sessions to people or want to provide the sessions in the future, even for somebody who considers to take Reiki healing sessions in near future.

I have seen many different sessions by different practitioners;

Some are offering extremely expensive like over thousand dollars for only 60mins something,

On the other hand, there is also the sessions,

By free of charge

It seems that there is no regulation that how much should we receive for the service and at the same, we don't know idea about how much should the clients pay for each session.

When I am thinking about the price, it always reminds me our social problem about the money.

We cannot receive money because we  feel guilty that we gain more money,

We cannot let go of money because we feel insecure as if we are losing the money.

Do you have any those symptoms above before?

I think we can think positively about the money, you can also feel positive when we involve with the money.

Money is neither your enemy nor lucky charm.

We are providing Reiki Healing Sessions with affordable price. 

For more detail about our private healing session please also visit our website;

Anybody can receive reiki healing session, but especially recommended if you are in following conditions;

◎Mentaly exhausted

◎Feel that not energy enough

◎Having stress, frustrations

◎Relief Pain and Body Stiff

◎Release negative feeling such as anger, worries, fear, attachment

◎Enhance your natural healing ability

◎Suffering incurable disease and want to try alternative therapy. 


What can Reiki help us?

There are 11 features about Usui Reiki,
*It is well-known Reiki's features I would like to introduce again if you still don't know,

1. Anyone can learn Reiki
Since our body consists of Reiki energy to maintain vitality, our body know how to flow Reiki energy but you just forgot or don't know how to flow Reiki energy, by attending attunement course you will be able to perform Reiki healing (Hands on Healing) efficiently, safely.

2. Ability to use Reiki stays for life

Because Reiki energy will never disappear from our body completely. Once you received attunement, you have not practiced for long time, your body will gradually remember how the Reiki energy flows in your body.

3. You don't need to concentrate when performing Reiki healing

This is very different from other style of energy work, for example, chinese qigong. It is also not needed to concentrate when you receive Reiki healing.

4.You don't feel tired since there is no negative energy transferred

In Reiki healing, we don't concentrate like qigong, even we are not transferring any negative energy from healing, in addition, Reiki healer will also receive Reiki energy efficiently everytime they do Reiki healing to people.

5. More you practice Reiki more improvement in your Reiki energy pipe

If you practice many times, you and receiver of your Reiki healing feel that more improved than before, because your Reiki energy pipe in your body improved.

6. It is OK for those who don't even believe Reiki

If somebody don't believe Reiki but the Reiki energy will pass all the living creatures and effective.

7. Reiki is well used along with other therapies, e.g. massage, meditation, chiropractic and so on.

Since Reiki has no regulation that cannot practice together, even therapist can improve their quality of their own therapy by adding Reiki practice.

8. Reiki affects four different levels

Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually

9. Merit of Reiki healing is concrete, it has specific effects

Especially you will see quick recovery from the small wounds, mesquite bites by Reiki healing.

10. Distance Reiki healing

Reiki is conducted beyond the boundaries of time and space

11. Your wonderful inner-self will blossom

Reiki is not just for healing, but you can develop your inner-self (personality) much better, therefore it will blossom.

Want to know more about Reiki? Shine Body & Soul Healing Center is at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and we provide traditional Usui Reiki attunement course for those who want to learn Usui Reiki and practice, also Reiki healing sessions for those who want to receive reiki healing for from relieving stress, pain and discomfort to improve quality of life.


What's the benefit of Reiki healing?

Here are some feedback from Reiki students at Shine Body & Soul Healing Center;

We are receiving lots of happy voices from Reiki students and I am very glad to share with you here.

After we have practiced Reiki healing on our feet, the warmth last for whole day and I felt very warm in my feet.

Everytime I try Reiki on my own son especially when he is not sleeping well, I discovered that distance Reiki healing is much better than face to face hands on healing for children who don't want to sleep!

I am doing and enjoying Reiki on foods before we eat.

Practicing breathing method in Reiki Practice Day helped me more relaxing and getting familiar to breathing method, now I am practicing this at home by my self as well.

At the beginning, it was difficult to feel energy when I do self healing, but I found I can feel more energy now after 21days self purification practice. I am very excited to take Level 2 now!

After I have done distance Reiki on my husband, it was miracle that he is suddenly very calm and more relaxing, so now I know the distance Reiki is really working well!

Want to know more about Reiki? Shine Body & Soul Healing Center is at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and we provide traditional Usui Reiki attunement course for those who want to learn Usui Reiki and practice, also Reiki healing sessions for those who want to receive reiki healing for from relieving stress, pain and discomfort to improve quality of life.


Voice from Reiki Student 2: Comment for Level 3 Usui Reiki Attunement


Comment after learning level 3 in “Shine Body & Soul”

I feel so peaceful after the attunement of level 3. I understand deeper of who I am and how I can always feel peaceful and happy. Level 3 equips me to manage my energy level better and guides me the way to live happier.

It is completely difference feeling of having attunement of level 1 and 2. After attunement of level 1 and level 2, I felt better and understand myself more. However, I still had a lot of questions about myself and the world. After having attunement of level 3, I feel peaceful always and understand myself deeper, not just more. I am able to manage my daily life better.

In the past, I didn’t understand why I needed to learn level 3. There is no level 3 in many western styles Usui Reiki course, after learning level 1 and 2, the road to learn Reiki has finished unless I want to be a teacher. So, I always think Reiki is just sth  for healing physical and mental problems.

Until I started to review traditional Japanese Usui Reiki in level 1 and 2 in “Shine Body & Soul”, I start to find out learning Reiki is not just a tool to heal physical and mental problems, it’s an effective tool to make myself to feel happy always, so I decided to study level 3 as my birthday present. It really meets my expectation. Now I truly know who I am and how I can feel peaceful always.



Voice from Reiki student - Why did I attend Reiki 1 & 2 Review class at Shine Body & Soul Healing Centre?

The answer is very simple. I was confused of what I have learned so far. I started to learn Reiki since 2007 but I was not sure if I was learning well or really practicing in a right way. I thought I should find another teacher to review Reiki 1 & 2 again. I didn’t know how I should select a right teacher because there were so many Reiki teachers online. I thought I just better to wait for the universe to arrange a right teacher for me, I trusted it would come at the right time.

In 2013 June, I found there was a post from Shine Body & Soul Healing Centre on my facebook. I just had a look and was surprised there is finally a Japanese Reiki teacher available in HK. I always have a feeling it might be a good idea to review Reiki with a Japanese teacher because Reiki is originally from Japan.

After reviewing Reiki 1 and 2 with Ms Satoe Sasaki who is the teacher from Shine Body & Soul Healing Centre, I was happy I finally understand the history of traditional Usui Reiki from Japan and its difference from other steam of Usui Reiki in western countries. Traditional Usui Reiki has deeper explanation of the concept and usage of various symbol and mantra. Its also have more technique to coach you to understand and apply Reiki treatment for yourself and others. There is clear explanation on the benefit of touching different position on the body. It equips me to be more confident when practicing Reiki treatment on myself and the others.

Whats the most important is that traditional Usui Reiki coaches me to understand how I can live happier, not just focusing on balancing myself from physical and mental aspect. Through practicing Reiki, I learn to let go of my ego, I am now managing relationship with the others better than before, life is getting easier.

I strongly recommend you to review Usui Reiki with Ms Satoe Sasaki again if you have never learned traditional Japanese Usui Reiki. I am sure you will be more confident to practice Reiki on yourself and the others afterward.




carrying energy ~ Luck ~

In our japanese, there is the word '運気'  it means luck.

In every Japanese word with energy (気), uniquely meaning lots of situation. 
So this word means carrying energy, and the luck means 'carrying energy'.

What do you imagine that somebody is carrying energy for luck? They are definitely carrying good/positive energy to us.

We will be very sad when people talk something to you;

We will be very excited when people talk something to you;

We will be very happy when people talk something to you;

We will feel calm when people talk something to you;

Yes, it means any words can affect our energy  so we would feel different emotions.

Knowing someting about energy will be key for success of your life.


Healing Hands ~ our hands can't tell us a lie.

Inspiration for this article I have written before in Japanese.

I would like to share the story about our healing hands.

Healing hands that we have already had inside us from birth.

Our hands are always telling truth to us, have you realized that,

Your hands are tight and unopened if you are angry.

Your hands are loose and relaxed if you feel calm.

Your hands totally lost strength and don't want to touch anything if you feel sad.

Our hands are telling everything to us all the time. This is exactly the energy level you can feel from you hands.

Reiki healing is hands on healing only done by people's hands.

It is better you feel calm and relaxed when you do Reiki.

We feel difficult if you have stress and frustration and do hands on either you or others.

But it is also normal for us we feel very stressful and tired some time.

This is the condition we lack of energy.

Besides hands on healing, breathing & meditation method is also very important for us to clear our energy as well.

Do you know Reiki Attunement Course would help you assist your energy flow efficiently?

You can also read this page for Reiki Attunement Course.

Do you know why Reiki healing is good for physical/emotional/mental/spiritual?

You can find the answer here about above questions.


What makes you sick?

From my experience with clients for Reiki session, some are suffering disease.

Disease is annoying as we experience pain, nausea and dizziness, uncomfortable symptoms.

If you go to see a doctor because of your disease, you will receive treatment, medicine and some advice. And wait whether the pain stops or not.

Here is no healing process from taking medication, medication is just the suppression of symptoms.

On the other hand, we call vitality that can work for our balance in health.

Have you thought that you only can fight with disease, but you will learn from disease.

I think every disease, discomfort will be created from our self, emotional, spiritual related.
There is the way you can think about your self and realize your true feeling.

We create disease is NOT because we are evil or bad enough to create, but we still haven't realized our real healing ability inside our body, and this is exciting news that such ability will meet us.

Reiki healing is to work with your vitality, raising up & improving quality of your healing ability.

It is up to YOU to create your symptoms and again it is up to YOU to cure your disease.

It is up to YOU to estimate you again it is up to YOU to discover your wonderful life.

Let's SHINE our body & soul at Shine Body & Soul Healing Center!


How to choose teacher/school to learn Reiki?

I am little busy to answering about the questions for learning Reiki to the clients recently.
It is good thing at least more people get interest and want to learn reiki!

I have listened to the paticipants they attended reiki meets here Shine Body & Soul about their experience with Reiki, what did they learn, varies many answers and some are totally different from what I taught.

In the field of Reiki learning, it is still developing so some people feel unsatisfied after the reiki school because the system about Reiki is not clear to explain, there are some cases that they didn't feel Reiki energy at all even they attended attunement course.

So here are the tips for choosing Usui Reiki teacher/school.

*Attend Reiki introduction or any other meeting that you can know/meet teacher.

*To know the fee and the contents.

*To know are there any classes after attunement course? Normally attunement course is only for 1day, so you need to have chances to practice again with other people are needed.

*You can contact any time with teacher by phone or by email, so you can ask some questions.

*To know what kind of system of Reiki are you going to learn

*Distance Attunement Course is not recommended since you don't see the teacher face to face!

And more point which has been lost in western style Usui Reiki;

**Introduced symbols and mantras in some level of Usui Reiki (Know the merit of using symbols and mantras)

**Introduced Level 3 not as teacher/master's content but for the content for spiritual practices, improving quality of life, why do we practice Reiki for life? 

**For becoming Reiki teacher/master, there should be exam and training period, it is Level 4 which comes after Level3.

Hope you will have happy and meaingful learning Reiki!

Shine Body & Soul also accepts the students who learnt Reiki outside school and continue to learn Reiki with us.

For more detail, please ask us.


Knowledge of reiki distance healing for practitioners

I hope you find this information useful.
Have you heard of distance healing before?

Yes there is distance healing method in Reiki practice.

You might feel very strange if you heard of it at first time. So I would like to give you some tips to know more about this concept.

By the way, do you feel strange or confused when you are thinking about mobile phones, we are no longer able to see the cable but we can still connect with somebody else if you ring.
Yes we are connected each other indeed.

How about our consiousness?
I think it is yes, because sometime synchronization happens that I reminded about somebody then I will really meet that person within seconds, it happended to me many times.
If you feel no, don't worry, it is only may be your antenna need to be repaired, to be attuned well for next time!

So we would therefore see our consiousness/exsistence are resonating with each other and will be connected when it needed. This is true logically.

Actually our energy/consiousness can fly anywhere if you think, you can go to the universe without space rocket if you imagine in your mind, it is much faster than any other vehicles, same as speed of light.

By doing this way, our energy can be sent to anywhere when needed, most of the time it is still like unconsiously.
But it is Reiki's distance healing by doing consiously.

It is same as face to face reiki healing.

If you know how to do distance Reiki healing, please send reiki to your somebody for love and light, to cheer them up!

Are you interested about Reiki healing? Please visit our website: Shine Body & Soul Healing Center

~It is much better than you learn Reiki from books or learn your self as Reiki, energy is invisible so it's better to have classmates and teacher to share experience and get the guidance. ~

Is Reiki just healing technique for health? ~ 五戒 5 principles in Usui Reiki~

If you have studied Usui Reiki in some Reiki school, you know 5 principles in Usui Reiki as Usui Mikao's words.

In Japanese,

招福の秘法 万病の霊薬

今日丈けは 怒るな

translated in English, it said;

The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine for all diseases

At least for today, do not be angry.
Do not worry.
Be grateful.
Do your duty.
Be kind to others.

Usui Mikao wanted to tell you that Reiki healing can be tool not only for all ills but also for happiness of life.

When we explain about Japanese traditional Usui Reiki, there are mainly two contents,

1. Reiki works as healing technique, for relieving pains, symtoms, mainly for physical health
This part was developed very well in US and UK.

2. Reiki works for spiritual practices, ideal for those who wish to know how to listen to our inner voice, feel happy in our life, ultimate peace of mind, build strong spirit, meaning of life. This is also called "Lost Half" because in most of reiki course you could hardly find this part anymore and almost disappeared after Reiki spread out to the world.

Most of reiki school don't have sufficient content about 2, however this is most important part in Usui Reiki, I think though, you can still learn about last symbol and mantra only in most of reiki school.

In Shine Body & Soul, you can learn all of the contents including above 1 and 2, and I hope everybody who learnt get benefit from Reiki!

More detail, please visit our page.

Let's shine our body and soul together!


Urgent! We need reiki monitor in Hong Kong

This year our NPO Japan Reiki Association is writing report about reiki effects, in order to raise people awareness about Reiki healing.

In Hong Kong, we are urgently looking for one reiki monitor, which can answer the questionare after/before the healing session.
*Questionnaire sheets will be saved in Japan Reiki Association with care and only use for research purpose. (Individual information is not specific)
(Deadline comes soon by end of this week, 12th January)

Monitor should receive once a week private reiki healing session between Jan-Mar 2013.
Each session costs HK$250 and please pay after the session.
The length of session is about 1hour 20mins (including filling forms time)
The place you receive Reiki healing is Shine Body & Soul Healing Centre (Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
The session fee applies only for monitor this time.
If you want know what's private reiki healing session like? Please visit our page too.

If you can do this reiki monitor, please click HERE and contact us, thank you.

What's Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Who can get benefit from Reiki healing?

Anybody can receive reiki healing from reiki therapist because energy works not only in physical level but also works in emotional and spiritual level.
We call 'Genki' in japanese means 'I am fine' in english, this word is also explaning healthy in body and mind, which comes from energy (ki means energy in Japanese).

Is reiki therapy effective for disease? or pain-relief?

Reiki healing is gentle and safe while you can experience relaxing and relieving from pain in body and mind.
If you suffer any disease or taking medicine reguraly, there is no worry to stop taking your medicine nor seeing your specialist. Reiki can work together.

If you have any questions about Reiki healing or about our center, please feel free to ask us anytime!

SHINE Body & Soul Healing Centre| 心耀堂
1117, 11/F, SOLO Office, Radio City, 505 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel 98316058