If you have studied Usui Reiki in some Reiki school, you know 5 principles in Usui Reiki as Usui Mikao's words.
In Japanese,
招福の秘法 万病の霊薬
今日丈けは 怒るな
translated in English, it said;
The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine for all diseases
At least for today, do not be angry.
Do not worry.
Be grateful.
Do your duty.
Be kind to others.
Usui Mikao wanted to tell you that Reiki healing can be tool not only for all ills but also for happiness of life.
When we explain about Japanese traditional Usui Reiki, there are mainly two contents,
1. Reiki works as healing technique, for relieving pains, symtoms, mainly for physical health
This part was developed very well in US and UK.
2. Reiki works for spiritual practices, ideal for those who wish to know how to listen to our inner voice, feel happy in our life, ultimate peace of mind, build strong spirit, meaning of life. This is also called "Lost Half" because in most of reiki course you could hardly find this part anymore and almost disappeared after Reiki spread out to the world.
Most of reiki school don't have sufficient content about 2, however this is most important part in Usui Reiki, I think though, you can still learn about last symbol and mantra only in most of reiki school.
In Shine Body & Soul, you can learn all of the contents including above 1 and 2, and I hope everybody who learnt get benefit from Reiki!
More detail, please visit our page.
Let's shine our body and soul together!
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