Here are some feedback from Reiki students at Shine Body & Soul Healing Center;
We are receiving lots of happy voices from Reiki students and I am very glad to share with you here.
After we have practiced Reiki healing on our feet, the warmth last for whole day and I felt very warm in my feet.
Everytime I try Reiki on my own son especially when he is not sleeping well, I discovered that distance Reiki healing is much better than face to face hands on healing for children who don't want to sleep!
I am doing and enjoying Reiki on foods before we eat.
Practicing breathing method in Reiki Practice Day helped me more relaxing and getting familiar to breathing method, now I am practicing this at home by my self as well.
At the beginning, it was difficult to feel energy when I do self healing, but I found I can feel more energy now after 21days self purification practice. I am very excited to take Level 2 now!
After I have done distance Reiki on my husband, it was miracle that he is suddenly very calm and more relaxing, so now I know the distance Reiki is really working well!
Want to know more about Reiki? Shine Body & Soul Healing Center is at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and we provide traditional Usui Reiki attunement course for those who want to learn Usui Reiki and practice, also Reiki healing sessions for those who want to receive reiki healing for from relieving stress, pain and discomfort to improve quality of life.
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