Tung Ng festival is just passed and the real summer time is coming to Hong Kong.
It is very humid and hot, but not many heavy rain any more.
When you can't forgive others, can you forgive your self?
Do you think that you are doing something good so you will be enough to complain about others behavior?
Do you think that you are perfectly right and nothing wrong with you? If something wrong, we can think that wrong in others, wrong in the food, wrong in the world..
Yes you can think any way that we can affirm 'we are correct'.
Sometimes you say you did something terrible that you cannot fix any more, your hurt is deep and you believe you can't get it better. You thought nobody can forgive you. Nobody for ever..
In law of nature, our feelings, our thoughts and our actions are connected together.
If you are too much hard-working person, you tend to always blame others and blame your self.
And you keep blaming your self, others and world.
Can you allow your self, can you cheer yourself up, can you support your self?
Where is your true feelings?
When you allow your self, forgive your self, you will find there is another path you can walk in.
I understand this is not easy, but if you feel full of energy, changing will happen to you.
How do you boost the energy to your self?
So here it comes I want to introduce Usui Reiki.
In Usui Reiki, there is Usui Reiki therapy, and Usui Reiki Method (Hou in Japanese).
Why did we have 2 different contents in Usui Reiki, one is therapy for healing and health, another is method for secret to happiness and for meaning of life.
Another half is simple when you hear, but very deep when you practice.
I strongly hope more people know about this Reiki Ho (Method) and can become happier and live with the meaning of the life.
What is your impression?
Our next Reiki Introduction Day will be on 7th June 2014. Please register your name through our website if you want to attend. Introduction will help you understand about Reiki and you can receive short healing session from me. *Please note this is not the attunement course.
Want to know more about Usui Reiki? Shine Body & Soul (NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter) provide 1st-3rd Attunement course for those who wants learn essence of Reiki and perform.
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