

[time concept] We are in NOW.

We are in NOW.

In usui reiki teaching, there is 5 doctorin (GOKAI in japanese), have you heard of it before?

Only for today

Do not anger

Do not worry

Be Thankful

Be sincere in work

Be kind to others

These words are very simple that teach you reset your self everyday.

By the way, how do you recognize the concept of [time]?

Time is made of past, now, and future.

If you are too angry, you are always stuck this emotion, you might spend the days like being in the past. As if you are always angry for something that happened to you before.

If I say live in the future, sounds cool, you felt, however emotion which suffer 'live in the future' is worry. If you are too worry about something it still not happened to you, you must have feeling of worry, fear.

It is in healthy mind, if you feel you are in now, you feel NOW very much means you feel happy about your life. Recognising NOW is the correct time concept means you are facing that you are in, in one's positive thinking.

Time past second by second, if you want to accept your self with the time, you need to recharge your self some time.

It is not strange when we face some negative feeling, we are the creature that we have negative feeling. Please acknoledge them, fogive them, and then finally we can let them go from us.

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