

(Please join!)18/9 Soul Empowerment with Sacred Sound

Have you tried healing music concert?

Do you like relaxing, detoxing sounds which can heal your emotion and spirit?

If you say yes, please join this event.

If you say no, please try and tell me how do you feel.


Sept 18, 2011 (Sun)         3 pm – 5:30 pm

7/F Rehearsal Hall Sheung Wan Civic Centre
645 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
(City Bus 5B, 5, 37A, M49; Tunnel Bus 104, 101; Sheung Wan MTR exit)

Supporting Organizations / Individuals

Ellen Or
Raks Rafiki
Satoe Sasaki


   A community event.  Join us in this sacred sound gathering with international author Barbara Evans setting up the Sacred EMPOWERMENT Image Key Grid specifically for soul empowerment to help us courageously step into our life purpose and consciously contribute to the creation of the New Earth..

ª    Opening prayer

ª    Gong Bath    

Indian traditional instruments

ª    Tibetan Singing Bowls

ª    Doumbek Drumming and Zilling   
ª    Sitar
ª    Singing Crystal Bowls healing meditation 

ª    Drum jam featuring the Kool Drum      

Participants are invited to bring along their drums and other instruments and take part in the impromptu improvisation.

     Proceeds of the ticket sales will be donated to a Japan Earthquake Relief Fund for the orphans.

 Please wear loose comfortable clothing,  bring your yoga mat, blanket, cushion to enjoy the gong bath and singing bowls healing meditations

Tickets available at:
19/F Jing Long Commercial Bldg
52 Tang Lung St
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: 2504 1333

LifeFlow        Tel: 3438 2426        Catherine Ng / Tina Li

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