

Q. Why does Reiki need Attunement for opening passage?

Q. Why does Reiki need Attunement for opening energy passage?

A. Most people, they have interest in Reiki then they found Reiki needs Attunement in order to open our Reiki passage at the first time, some are not getting clear idea about this Attunement.
(Actually it is OK if you are still not clear about this idea when you come to the first Attunement course, because we will explain why about this for you)

I really feel, as being Usui Reiki teacher, gave attunement many people through the course, Attunement is really convenient & innovative method to open our Reiki energy passage.

By the way, we, humans have always ability to heal our self, but this hands on method seems not very effective any more, do you know why?

Because we no longer practice hands on in our life very much, I guess.

Some people suddenly happened to open up this energy passage as if it was their special experience, but these chance is not falling each of us. I don't think we are always patient enough to wait these experiences happened until it really happens in order to perform hands on Reiki therapy for you or someone you love.

So that why I feel this Attunement method is make everybody possible to perform Reiki without difficult training or special practices for opening passage. I want to say, well done to Usui Mikao,  the founder of Usui Reiki, he found such an innovative way to open our energy passage!

By the way the people usually come to us for learning Reiki with different reasons;

*Because my mother/father is very sick and I want to provide hands on to her.

*Because I want to improve my self

*Because I want to be more healthy

*Because I think hands on healing is very effective

*Because I want to do Reiki on my pets

*Because I like to help people

and so on..

And I hope any body could have chance to learn Reiki once you feel, 'Yes I want to learn Reiki!'.

Reiki must be helpful to your life!

One more thing, I want to tell which is very important;

You still need to practice Reiki after the Attunement!

Reiki is like driving a car, even you learned how to drive in the school you have to drive sometime then you could feel safe and confident about driving a car and so does Reiki.

If you are clear about Reiki's Attunement, why don't you learn Reiki now?

↓You can click below for more information, ↓

Usui Reiki Attunement Course in Hong Kong

Please also read here to know 5 important tips for how to find your Reiki teacher.

5 important tips for how to find your Reiki teacher

Here is for you if you are looking for Reiki attunement courses for you at the first time;

1. Do you have a chance to meet your Reiki teacher/master before you enroll the course?
If it is not possible, please phone or email and try to get any chance to see before the course.

2.The course structure, detail and fees are very clear and all is in the leaflet/web page.
It is better to know what do you learn and the price before enrolling the course.

3. Check if your teacher can teach all levels of Usui Reiki.
If your teacher is not teaching whole levels, it means you may need to look second teacher in case you want to learn more in the future.

4.Check any Reiki events/lessons are your teacher holding beside Attunement courses.
Not many people notice this at the first time, however, chance for practicing Reiki with other practitioners is very important for practitioners, and it is even better if there is a Reiki teacher who can give you advice and short period attunement each time.

5. At last do you like that Reiki teacher?
Teacher is also human, this is your intuition and feeling is most important, check this before your decision!


Q. If I can't feel energy after I received the attunement course, what can I do?

I want to share the Q&A here below, as this question is typical one among Reiki practitioners.

Q. If I can't feel energy after I received the attunement course, it means I have no talent to become Reiki practitioner at all??

A. Of course not!

However, you might have experienced the situation like following;

'When I attended Reiki practice gathering, I noticed other practitioners felt well and could read energy as well. '

'Some people are very clairvoyant, they have ability to read & tell about energy easily'

Actually there are 2 different ability we are learning through practicing Reiki

1. The ability to read energy

2. The ability to flow energy

And it is totally different ability so there can be the case, which the healer can flow Reiki energy very well from the palm and the receiver felt very warm and relaxed even while the healer didn't feel anything about energy.

Or opposite case as well.

I want to say if I can pick one of them which one is better healer, is first one.

I hope you master how to flow energy well first then you can gradually develop the ability to read the energy.

And we don't need to worry too much about reading energy, because most people had this sense when we were born.

There is also another thing that we need to be careful is;

Don't be too stuck about saying something mysterious, special or even predicting words about energy.

If you focus to read the energy like this, you won't be able to relax and feel comfortable well when you are doing healing to others.

If you want to know more about this matter, or look for the place to practice Reiki with other practitioners, if you don't know how to master Reiki healing, please join our Reiki Practice Day.

If you are Usui Reiki Level 1 or above practitioner, you can join us!

To check our schedule, please click the link below;

Calendar & Schedule


Learning from Usui Reiki's five doctrine~五戒~

As  I am a Usui Reiki teacher, when I am teaching Usui Reiki in English to foreigners, sometimes there is language-gap problem.
Because I am not native English speaker and most my students, they are also not native English speaker.

Here in Hong Kong, of course, Chinese are most and some Japanese and little from Europe.

When I talk about this Usui Reiki's five doctrine, when we look at it, it's very simple and easy to remember, however the deep meaning behind this doctrine is that you might be more clear when you reached Level 3 of Usui Reiki. And I hope you understand the real meaning behind these simple words.

There is one sentence,

業を励め (Be sincere in work)

How will you recognize this 'work' in this sentence?

I think this work can be actions in general, the things you are doing in your daily life. It can be your occupation, it can be your role in your life e.g. you are mother, you are daughter, you are wife and so on.. Any angle of the actions in your life.

I believe even the 'work' you do is what you don't want to do now, but you experience once you can gain knowledge and ability to understand others.

So I believe this 'work' that Usui wanted to tell you is not asking you that you can do only what you want to do or you can focus what you only like to do but everything you experienced from the 'work' for understanding our self and others.

I see person in different aspects, some are very good at reading people energies but some are not, but I am very sure now this our 'work' experiences affect such ability and can gain to read people energies, this is totally not talking about reading energy like psychic person.

I recognize our energy is emotion, what do you think?
Understanding about principles behind 五戒 will help you improve your energy level and build strong stable energy passage.

Do you want to know quintessential of Usui Reiki? Please come to our course;

NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter


Register now! Special Hong Kong Reiki Event in September 2014

Registration is open now for following event, and you can get early bird discount if you completed payment by 28th August, don't miss this spacial event out!

Usui Reiki Workshop (in traditional Japanese style)
<Date>Sunday 28th September 2014
Session 1  9.45am~ for anybody
Lunch Gathering *By invittation who registered session 1 or 2 or both
Session 2 14.00pm~ for Usui Reiki Level 1 or above, outside Reiki practitioners & teachers are welcome!
<Event Venue> Flat 14/F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54-58 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 

You must register your name and complete payment for this event as only 20 seats are available for this event. For reigister, please go to the link here;

*If you are looking for a place to stay in HK, I can recommend the budget place to stay, please contact me here.


When you can't forgive others, can you forgive your self?

Tung Ng festival is just passed and the real summer time is coming to Hong Kong.

It is very humid and hot, but not many heavy rain any more.

When you can't forgive others, can you forgive your self?

Do you think that you are doing something good so you will be enough to complain about others behavior?

Do you think that you are perfectly right and nothing wrong with you? If something wrong, we can think that wrong in others, wrong in the food, wrong in the world..

Yes you can think any way that we can affirm 'we are correct'.

Sometimes you say you did something terrible that you cannot fix any more, your hurt is deep and you believe you can't get it better. You thought nobody can forgive you. Nobody for ever..

In law of nature, our feelings, our thoughts and our actions are connected together.

If you are too much hard-working person, you tend to always blame others and blame your self.

And you keep blaming your self,  others and world.

Can you allow your self, can you cheer yourself up, can you support your self?

Where is your true feelings?

When you allow your self,  forgive your self, you will  find there is another path you can walk in.

I understand this is not easy, but if you feel full of energy, changing will happen to you.

How do you boost the energy to your self?

So here it comes I want to introduce Usui Reiki.

In Usui Reiki, there is Usui Reiki therapy, and Usui Reiki Method (Hou in Japanese).

Why did we have 2 different contents in Usui Reiki, one is therapy for healing and health, another is method for secret to happiness and for meaning of life.

Another half is simple when you hear, but very deep when you practice.

I strongly hope more people know about this Reiki Ho (Method) and can become happier and live with the meaning of the life.

What is your impression?

Our next Reiki Introduction Day will  be on 7th June 2014. Please register your name through our website if you want to attend. Introduction will help you understand about Reiki and you can receive short healing session from me. *Please note this is not the attunement course.

Want to know more about Usui Reiki? Shine Body & Soul (NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter) provide 1st-3rd Attunement course for those who wants learn essence of Reiki and perform.


Accept the ego, love the ego and release the ego

I was talking about connection between  Ego and Reiki last time.
What was your impression about this?

What's EGO?  (From website pathway to happiness)

**The ego is an identity of our own construction, an identity which is false.  If we take all the beliefs of what we are – beliefs about our personality, talents, and abilities – we have the structure of our ego.  These talents, abilities and aspects of our personality will be attributes of our skills, but the mental construct of our “self” is artificial.  And while this description might make the ego seem like a static thing, it is not. ......**

I think most people feel difficult that we need to throw our Ego away, because we are living creature with emotion.

When your beloved one got very sick what did you feel? Of course, you felt hurt as your loved one hurt. If your child has a problem, that you want to help her/him to solve the problem. This is natural things for human beings.

We are living with ego indeed.

So how do we want to live with ego? I think we want to live with ego in harmony.

I told it is important that when you practice Reiki, you are not pushing on your thought with your strong ego, however it is also true when you start practicing Reiki, your ego may become less half and you feel better.

So this is also because we don't need to think about our own power to heal, we are ready to receive necessity energy to heal every time.

As I am saying this way, you may not feel it is true, especially if you suffer and are burden now, however we will not be getting worse and worse, believe that we are always in the right circle.

The method to become happiness is also included in the content of Usui Reiki, founder of Usui Reiki, he wanted to tell  us these hints about our life through pracitcing Reiki (The content of 3rd attunement course, traditional Usui Reiki)

This 3rd Attunement content is called 'lost half' in Usui Reiki which we cannot find them in western style Usui Reiki anymore.

Ego is sometime annoying and is also great sometime. We are not going to like them or unlike them.

Let's live in harmony and step forward!

Want to know more about Usui Reiki? Shine Body & Soul (NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter) provide 1st-3rd Attunement course for those who wants learn essence of Reiki and perform.