As I am a Usui Reiki teacher, when I am teaching Usui Reiki in English to foreigners, sometimes there is language-gap problem.
Because I am not native English speaker and most my students, they are also not native English speaker.
Here in Hong Kong, of course, Chinese are most and some Japanese and little from Europe.
When I talk about this Usui Reiki's five doctrine, when we look at it, it's very simple and easy to remember, however the deep meaning behind this doctrine is that you might be more clear when you reached Level 3 of Usui Reiki. And I hope you understand the real meaning behind these simple words.
There is one sentence,
業を励め (Be sincere in work)
How will you recognize this 'work' in this sentence?
I think this work can be actions in general, the things you are doing in your daily life. It can be your occupation, it can be your role in your life e.g. you are mother, you are daughter, you are wife and so on.. Any angle of the actions in your life.
I believe even the 'work' you do is what you don't want to do now, but you experience once you can gain knowledge and ability to understand others.
So I believe this 'work' that Usui wanted to tell you is not asking you that you can do only what you want to do or you can focus what you only like to do but everything you experienced from the 'work' for understanding our self and others.
I see person in different aspects, some are very good at reading people energies but some are not, but I am very sure now this our 'work' experiences affect such ability and can gain to read people energies, this is totally not talking about reading energy like psychic person.
I recognize our energy is emotion, what do you think?
Understanding about principles behind 五戒 will help you improve your energy level and build strong stable energy passage.
Do you want to know quintessential of Usui Reiki? Please come to our course;
NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter