

Accept the ego, love the ego and release the ego

I was talking about connection between  Ego and Reiki last time.
What was your impression about this?

What's EGO?  (From website pathway to happiness)

**The ego is an identity of our own construction, an identity which is false.  If we take all the beliefs of what we are – beliefs about our personality, talents, and abilities – we have the structure of our ego.  These talents, abilities and aspects of our personality will be attributes of our skills, but the mental construct of our “self” is artificial.  And while this description might make the ego seem like a static thing, it is not. ......**

I think most people feel difficult that we need to throw our Ego away, because we are living creature with emotion.

When your beloved one got very sick what did you feel? Of course, you felt hurt as your loved one hurt. If your child has a problem, that you want to help her/him to solve the problem. This is natural things for human beings.

We are living with ego indeed.

So how do we want to live with ego? I think we want to live with ego in harmony.

I told it is important that when you practice Reiki, you are not pushing on your thought with your strong ego, however it is also true when you start practicing Reiki, your ego may become less half and you feel better.

So this is also because we don't need to think about our own power to heal, we are ready to receive necessity energy to heal every time.

As I am saying this way, you may not feel it is true, especially if you suffer and are burden now, however we will not be getting worse and worse, believe that we are always in the right circle.

The method to become happiness is also included in the content of Usui Reiki, founder of Usui Reiki, he wanted to tell  us these hints about our life through pracitcing Reiki (The content of 3rd attunement course, traditional Usui Reiki)

This 3rd Attunement content is called 'lost half' in Usui Reiki which we cannot find them in western style Usui Reiki anymore.

Ego is sometime annoying and is also great sometime. We are not going to like them or unlike them.

Let's live in harmony and step forward!

Want to know more about Usui Reiki? Shine Body & Soul (NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter) provide 1st-3rd Attunement course for those who wants learn essence of Reiki and perform.