

There is only one Reiki in the world.

When I tell clients about Reiki, I tell there is no side effect from Reiki healing.

Because Reiki is like water, when you feel unwell, somebody told you 'Drink more water!', but nobody said that 'Drink more juice'. I didn't say juice is not the good thing, but we always feel that water is the best if we are really unwell, isn't it?

In this world, there are lots of wonderful things though, at first there are fundamental things we need to maintain our life; water, air, food, light and Reiki.

We recognize Reiki like this way.

Reiki is not something special, mysterious or miracle but Reiki is needed for everybody to maintain our life.

There it comes Reiki therapy, this therapy is simply helping boosting your energy by laying on hands.

You raise your healing ability through Reiki therapy, NOT the therapist heals you or your disease.

Reiki is simple but powerful some time, just like water.

*There are lots of wonderful energy works in the world, some are very powerful and effective but at the same time they are very difficult or even confirmed side effects.
Reiki therapy is for anybody who wants to receive or learn, safe and gentle generally, no side effects.
Welcome if you want to receive/learn Reiki, however, it is better to check before you take if you are not sure whether you are learning Reiki or other systems of Reiki.

Our next Reiki Introduction Day is on 20th afternoon, February 2014. More detail you can refer our page.
Please join us if you want to know more about Reiki.

Want to know more about Reiki? Shine Body & Soul Healing Center is at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and we provide traditional Usui Reiki attunement course for those who want to learn Usui Reiki and practice, also Reiki healing sessions for those who want to receive reiki healing for from relieving stress, pain and discomfort to improve quality of life.


Reiki for sports injury and prevention of injury

Most people recognized Reiki as spiritual tool that you gain for your spirit and soul, this is not wrong.

But I also strongly recommend Reiki because this is excellent tool for injury as well.

From my experience I had ligament injury of knee when I was student I was doing sports. It damaged me very bad as I needed to give up lots of sports activity for about 10 years. My confidence was getting smaller and smaller for doing exercise after this injury.

Reiki (Laying on Hands) is very effective for injury. Reiki can apply to any sort of injury.

The wonderful thing is I can recover from pain after Reiki, it is simply done by my hands (If you perform Reiki by your self it is necessary that you received Reiki Attunement from Reiki teacher), so I no longer need to see a special doctor to treat my knees.

Since my kids love sports, I also teach them how to prevent injury, it is not difficult for kids to understand some important thing to know about your body. Especially what happen if your body crashed or in accident. If you know this, you can minimize the risk.

What's minimum of the risk,

*Shorten your healing time
*Reduce pain
*Heal mental damage at the same time
*Reduce probability for having accident

If your injury was not that serious, you only need Reiki therapy. However, most injuries such as bone fracture you still need to seek a specialist.

Reiki can work with any other therapies, it is safe you can do at the same time.
For example,
Reiki x Pain Killer or other medications
Reiki x Chinese Medicine
Reiki x Accupuncture
Reiki x Massage
and so on.

If you are not trying out Reiki yet, why not try Reiki for your injury?

If you want to try Reiki for your injury at first time, please seek professional advice from Reiki teacher/master.

Want to know more about Reiki? Shine Body & Soul Healing Center is at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and we provide traditional Usui Reiki attunement course for those who want to learn Usui Reiki and practice, also Reiki healing sessions for those who want to receive reiki healing for from relieving stress, pain and discomfort to improve quality of life.