

Reiki Ryoho could work with other therapies.

I introduce one example of benefit of studying reiki ryoho.

Reiki ryoho can work with any other therapies.

Mostly people seek alternative therapy, they might have negative experiance with modern medical therapy.

A case with me, I had allergy that I sometimes needed to take medicine for itching skin. But I figured out putting modern medicine for long term may damage your liver.

If you would like to take reiki ryoho, you still could continue taking medicine.
It would be very dangerous with some cases if you want to stop medication because of new therapy despite doctor told you must continue your medicine.
So please don't stop your medicine, on the other hand you could practice reiki very safely.

It also very suitable if you are body worker like aromatherapist, massage therapy and so on.
Adding Reiki ryoho to your original other thrapy, you could improve your quality of session.

What is Reiki energy?

Any creatures have strong will to survive.
For example, if we see plants we could see their strong vital force, we could also know the difference from two plants one was place under sufficient light from sun another was placed in the dark.
We could say our such vital force is consist of energy from outside.
What is energy outside? foods, water, air, lights and so on. We could survive with receiving these energy from outside.
We call these energy which makes us healthy and happy, "Reiki".
Therefore reiki exist in any part of the world or may be in any other galaxy, we also call reiki "Universal Energy".

Do I need psychic power to learn Reiki?

The answer above question is no.
Reiki can be studied by anybody.
From ancient times, people naturally know how to cure by their hands. They know their hands work for healing. We could find "te-ate"(手当て)in Japanese. This word means simply "hands on healing"(te=hands ate=place), but we mostly use it for "medical treatment" or "cure' now.
We could imagine when we feel pain in stomach, we instinctively place our hands on the part of body as we want relief. We would place hands on head when you have headache and so on.

Reiki ryoho is exactly Te-ate ryoho (hands on healing therapy).

The point which is very interesting is why modern people no longer use our hands to heal?

And why do we get interested in learning alternative therapy besides modern medical therapy in some time?

During Reiki attunment class, teachers try to break your seal by talking lectures and  by attunment.
Reiki is the energy that everybody recieve everyday and use. This energy is not from someone's psychic  powers neither from initiation of Usui Mikao's energy.

What is Reiki energy?

Reiki ryoho could work with any other thepy.

No more goods for your health?!

In modern times, it's common that people are comforted by material content though there are still many sufferings that they can't feel happiness.
Feeling of thankfulness make us build healthy mind.
Please try to be thankful everything around you.
There is also fix concept among us that belief which goods help you all, but it's time to realize real happiness is not from the goods but from yourself.
In this situation, I ask every student to do self purification for reiki practice.

What do you learn Usui Reiki Attunment Class?

What is traditional Japanese Usui Reiki?

Many people now have known what is reiki. "Reiki" this word means healing energy which passes through the palms, generally we can understand reiki as "palm healing" or "laying on hands healing".
These are not wrong.
However, is reiki just a healing technique? The answer is no, Usui Mikao who is a founder of Usui Reiki, in his practice 100 years ago, there were practice of spiritual development and enlightment through practicing reiki.
I strongly hope you could learn reiki not just for healing tecknique but also for enjoying your life.

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No more goods for your health!?
Do I need psychic power to learn Reiki?


24/Nov Reiki Circle & Introduction Day

Date:November, 24th 2010 (Wednesday) 13-15pm
Place: Reflections
19/F Jing Long commercial Bldg, 52 Tang Lung St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Fee: HK20-
Please come and enjoy Reiki! Anybody can join!
If you want to know what is reiki, you want to experience reiki healing,
thinking about learning Usui reiki, please register today!
Reiki shower, Reiki circle, healing others and so on.

For Enquiry & register, please click here!


Reiki Practicing Day in Nov 2010

{Nov Reiki Practicing Day}

11/nov 9-11am

21/nov 18-20pm

For people who have completed 1st or above.
Any kind of reiki, other reiki students are welcome!

We practice;
*image training
*distance healing (for those 2nd or above)
*healing others

venue:causeway bay

*For more details & registration, please send e-mail to